Numéro |
16th International Congress of Metrology
Numéro d'article | 16001 | |
Nombre de pages | 5 | |
Section | Agroalimentaire / Food processing | |
DOI | | |
Publié en ligne | 7 octobre 2013 |
Feasibility Study for the Development of a Honey-Reference Material
1 ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Economic Sustainable Development – Technical Unit “Sustainable Development and Innovation of Agro-industrial System” (UTAGRI) – C.R. Casaccia, Via Anguillarese 301 - 00123 Rome, Italy
2 Universisty of Brescia - Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - Via Branze 38 - 25123 Brescia Italy
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This paper reports a feasibility study for the development of a Honey-Reference Material (RM). Tests on the possibility to prepare the RM in different physical forms (TQ - liquid, lyophilized powder, pellets of lyophilized honey, encapsulated liquid honey) were carried out on an homogeneous batch of polyfloral honey. The analytical methods to characterize the RM for its elemental profile by TXRF, ICP-AES and ICPMS were developed, employing honey samples of different botanical origin (chestnut, black locust and polyfloral) collected in 20 different Italian Regions. Preliminary results show the feasibility to prepare a Honey-RM to be certified for the elemental profile referred both to nutritional elements and contaminants, as well as to trace elements to be used for the definition of characteristic fingerprints linked to the territorial/botanical product origin. Also the preparation of Honey-RMs in pellet form or encapsulated to be employed as Single Use-RMs turned out to be really feasible.
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013
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